Club Rules

Lets have fun safely


The SCMFC adopts the use of a constitution which sets out the main aims of the club, its appointment of officers and rules that govern the clubs operations. The SCMFC constitution was revised on 1st January 2021 and is available to all members.

In addition to the Constitution, the club also lays down various other rules that provide for safer flying, proper use of facilities and respect to fellow hobbyists and land owners. The requirement of the club is that all members have BMFA insurance and are familiar with the contents of the BMFA handbook.

While we do not stipulate that members have obtained ‘A’ or ‘B’ certification, we do require that they display an appropriate level of discipline for the model they intend to fly. The BMFA achievement scheme is a sound gauge for any club to monitor a members ability and progress. We encourage all members to look to gain these merits as they progress through the hobby.

Certain model types carry with them greater risks and therefore a greater level of proficiency is required. Turbine models carry with them greater risks due to their power and fuel capacity. Members may be limited to certain model types while they progress.

It is clear that many pilots demonstrate a very high level of control without any kind of examination ever being passed.


As a BMFA affiliated club the code of practice of this association must be followed wherever appropriate / practical.

These are some of the more important rules applicable to our club aside from those as provided for in the BMFA hand book. Contravention of these rules will be dealt with as laid out in the constitution.

New Members

We are keen for new members of all skill levels to become part of the club when membership spaces are available. New members will be subject to a 6 month probation period whereby good etiquette and safe flying are witnessed. Lone flying is approved on the basis of a new member, no matter the skill or prior achievement, demonstrating a series of safe flights.

Current Regulations and Requirements

  • All models over 250g must present a valid CAA operator ID in an accessible location
  • All pilots must have either a Flyer ID, an approved certificate of competence (A Cert for e.g.) or an RCC certificate obtained via the BMFA.
  • Pilots under the age of 18 must have an authorised person register as operator on their behalf.
  • Pilots will not be permitted to fly without adhering to all regulations and legislation as set out by the CAA via the BMFA.
  • All pilots must have BMFA insurance. Other types of insurance from similar bodies is not accepted.
  • All pilots must be familiar with Cap 722 and must have acknowledged that they have read and understood Article 16 via the BMFA portal.


  • All pilots should demonstrate a good level of safety understanding and take all precautionary care so as to avoid accidents or damage
  • New members may be limited to certain aircraft choices, weights, power systems and sizes.
  • Pilots intending to fly turbine models need to demonstrate a very good degree of discipline, control and safety awareness.
  • Models of 50cc and over are currently prohibited from being flown at the SCMFC.
  • Currently, all club members are exclusively operating in the 2.4ghz frequency band. 35Mhz is allowed providing the pilot demonstrates good protocol and provides their own peg board if another pilot decides to use 35Mhz.
  • Radio Interference has not been noted at SCMFC as a legitimate cause for loss of control. Pilots are required to range test and install equipment appropriately as per manufactures guidelines.
  • Equipment such as radios, receivers, servos for e.g. that are known to have issues or are publicly known to be unreliable may be requested to be replaced with alternatives by the committee. 
  • Rocket propelled models and model rockets are strictly prohibited
  • The use of any radio controlled land based model is strictly prohibited. This includes, cars, tanks, crawlers, trucks or any other vehicle
  • Kites or any other tethered models are not permitted
  • Experimental RC flying models are not permitted to be flown without prior consent and inspection
  • Models over 25KG MTOW carry their own requirements by the CAA and may be flown providing the necessary registration, checks and operations have been carried out to an approved LMA examiners standard. In addition, a ‘B’ certificate may also be required.

Jet Turbine Specific Rules

Turbine models carry addional risks over conventional electric, nitro and petrol models. The potential greater speed, inertia and fuel capacity poses risks that require a high level of care. However, with the right precautions, we can enjoy these models safely.

  • Fixed wing Jet Turbines are currently prohibited from flying at SCMFC
  • New members will need to complete at least three months of probation before turbine use can be considered
  • The standard check flight using a conventional power plant such as nitro, electric or petrol must have been passed to a satisfactory level
  • BMFA 'B' Certification or equivalent will need to have been achieved. Exemptions include LMA inspectors and examiners
  • The model will need to be deemed as suitable for the site before further check flights can be carried out. Some models of very large proportion may not be suitable
  • Certain models may be deemed as not suitable for lone flyer operation and will require at least one spotter
  • Several check flights will need to be demonstrated in front of at least one committee member to a suitable standard before continued use of the model is granted
  • Extreme care towards fail safe and range checks should be given
  • Extra precautions should be placed upon the radio system including battery state, switches, servos and wiring
  • A Co2 Fire extinguisher must be present at the flight line at all times
  • Turbine models must NOT be started in the pits area. All starting proceedures must be carried out on the flight area
  • Pilots should be very proficient with the control systems, components and proceedures of their turbine use
  • Fueling should be carried out in the pits area; fuel must be left in a secure container in a safe place
  • During the summer, a short ban is impossed by the land owner on the use of Kerosene/Jet A1/Diesel and Petrol in models due to risk of crop fire. All members are notified at the start and end of this period.

Land and Site

  • The law of the land and any local byelaws shall take precedence over these rules
  • Vehicles must be kept clear of the entry gate sweep during opening and closing
  • The demands of the landlords must be respected at all times.
  • A downed model that has crashed into the field must not be retrieved if any damage to crops is likely to result. This must be reported in all cases to a committee member so the farm operators can be advised of potential debris that may damage their equipment.
  • During the warmer months, a fire extinguisher should be taken to the flight line due to the higher risk of dry grass or crop becoming ignited
  • Flying is not permitted behind the flight line
  • Landing models behind the flight line into the rough is not permited
  • Models should not be taxied 'back into' the pits area under any circumstances.
  • Two No Fly zones exist which are clearly displayed and highlighted on an aerial map in the club house
  • Vehicles should be returned to the car park after models and equipment have been unloaded
  • At times, the field may become unsuitable to be driven on due to continued wet conditions. If this is the case, a committee member will issue a temporary ban to prevent damage to the grass
  • All litter must be placed in the bin inside the club hut or taken home
  • Batteries must not be left in the club or any other area of the site and must be disposed of appropriately
  • The 5mph speed limit in and out of the farm to and from the field must be adhered to at all times
  • Cars should be parked to allow other members access to and from the car park where possible
  • Smoking is not permitted in the club hut at any time
  • No pets or animals are permitted to the flying site

Accidents and Crashes

  • All accidents no matter how minor should be logged in the accident book which can be found in the club house.
  • Accidents that could result in a claim should be reported in accordance with section 5.4 of the BMFA handbook.
  • Serious incidents should be reported in accordance with section 21 of the BMFA handbook.
  • Repeated crashes even of minor nature may result in the pilot being grounded for a period of time or asked to complete an approved BMFA achievement.
  • If the pilot is unable to retrieve all debris in the farmers fields, the chairman shall be notified immediately.


  • Behaviour at the field should remain amicable and polite. Language should remain moderate at all times
  • If a flight queue has formed, please respect the order, remain outside of the pilots box and do not rush anyone to complete his flight
  • Shouting, whistling or making any other intentional loud noise should be avoided at all costs
  • Members should be aware of the effects that their behaviour may have on others
  • Every member deserves to be treated with dignity and respect